Synjin's buddy Wyatt is teaching him how to ride.Wyatt is a good little rider!There was some lapse in the lesson or Synjin wasn't listening cause when he started going he really took off. He didn't have any control and almost took down a couple of tents.He would not drive one again!
However, Synjin and Chance loved riding in the Dune Buggies. It was a blast!
Sebastian would take any ride he could get!!
Taking a snack break and a little reprieve from the sand storms.
Ok so I am not a quad rider but Daryl took me to the "easy" dunes so I figured I'd give it a shot!I have only been on a quad one other time.I'm not quite sure how it happened because it happened so fast but I followed Daryl down this hill(not a very big one)and the next thing I knew my quad was about 50 feet away from me and I was lying flat on my back.After a few tears(mostly cause of fear;I wasn't hurt) I shook myself off and got back on to finish my ride.There were no more mishaps!
On our way home we stopped by the Bradys' to spend one of our last times with them before they are off to North Carolina. :o( They fed us great food and were great company!Thanks for welcoming the unplanned visit!It was the perfect ending to a perfect weekend!
Here the kids are checking out a spider
Here the kids are waiting their turn to be thrown across the room onto the couch.Emily and I made sure they could move all body parts after each throw...