Friday, September 26, 2008

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Chanceman!!

The kids played an IRON ROD game at their primary activity. The primary president put a blindfold on Chance and asked him if he could see. He told her yes and so she made some adjustments and asked him again if he could see. Matter-of-factly he said, "Yes, I can see. I have x-ray vision."


Rachel and Chris said...

Well duh! Everyone knows Chancey has x-ray vision! What was Sister Gurnsey thinking!

Melissa said...

That is so funny!
Hugs & Kisses from us all....

The Nannie Family said...

That is funny. I wish we could have x-ray vision.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

X-ray vision rocks! What a fun activity. How are you feeling these days, Valerie?

Love you,
Aunt Susan