Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not yet!!!....

With 7 weeks left until our next bundle of joy arrives we decided to make the transfer to a big boy bed for Sebastian! The first night he just played around and was having to much fun that he wouldn't sleep. Not even after my attempt to lay with him so I caved and put him back in the crib. But last night he went right to bed. What a big boy! I don't know how I feel about all this growing up going on around here!!


The Nannie Family said...

They do grow up to fast. Glad he caught on quickly. Can't wait for your baby to arrive.

Vallente said...

Yippee! Is he still doing good? I always dread the transfer to the big bed. Glad he learned quickly!

Rachel and Chris said...

Oh so big! I was so worried about Chance growing up and leaving me for sunbeams! Now I am already thinking about how Sebastian is getting so big! eek!